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Sometimes we tend to think " If I had a million dollars I would give money to this charity" or " If I had more time I would volunteer." We also tend to  wonder " How do they do that ?!" when we see a person  "giving"  more time or money than us.  God does not always require us to "move mountains" in order to make the world a better place. Sometimes a simple smile and genuine compliment can change a person's day or even their life.

My name is Lynisa and I founded Alabaster Box. Here is how it happened.......


I work at a school with approximately 80+% poverty level where the home life is often the root of the problem.  One day I noticed one of my students looking extremely sad. I pulled the student to the side and asked if everything was okay. As usual the child stated " I'm Okay, nothing is bothering me!" I said to the student

" You have such a beautiful smile! I wish you would show that off more!" as the student just giggled and walked away. A few days later I noticed the young lady smile. I quicky grabbed one of the cards that I usually keep on hand and wrote the following statement inside " Thank you so much for smiling today. It truly made my day!" and quietly placed it on her desk and walked away. My heart grew with such satisfaction as I watched the student open the card in shock and her heart gleamed through her eyes. The student looked to me with watery eyes and mouthed " Thank you". It seemed that almost everyday after that the student showed me her smile......and this was how Alabaster box was born. That day I truly felt that I changed this student's life. Not because I am this wonderful amazing person but because of something so simple. I began to think... why stop in the classroom?


We all have a "student" like this in our lives that needs nothing more than acknowledgement. It can be anyone from your husband to the secretary at your job. Life has become so fast paced, we have so much we need to accomplish in so little time, that we tend to overlook those who need us the most, including ourselves. Alabaster Box is a monthly subscription service which is exactly that....... meant in service to ourselves and to others. In no more than 1 hour a month, you too can begin to make a small difference in the world.

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